Western Eye Press designed and created the two books pictured above for artist, Harriet Johns, one of our neighbors in southern Colorado, and one of our genuine art-world heroes. Johns is a woman unique in the history of American painting, a painter who eschewed canvas, brushes and oils in favor of large sheets of steel and high-temperature industrial enamel plants to realize her painterly vision. Colors from the Heart takes a retrospective look at over 50 years of breaking all the rules, redefining the tools and pushing the boundaries of contemporary painting.
You can preview the contents of both books with the BookShow widgets below. Both are printed, on-demand by blurb.com, the best state-of-the-art, on-demand printers today.
Colors from the Heart
120 pages, 13 x 11 inch, $125 hardbound with dust jacket
harrietJOHNS / paintings on metal
40 pages, 7 x 7 inch, $16 softbound $30 hardbound
To preview both of
Harriet Johns' books
please click on the small images of the book covers below. This will take you to a pages where you can leaf through the book, page by page, image by image. (You can even enlarge these previews to full screen.) If you'd decide to purchase one of these books, just click on the small shoping cart icon. This in turn will take you to an order page on blurb.com. Colors of the Heart, or the smaller book, harrietJOHNS/painting on metal can then be printed and shipped to you directly.
And something new from
Harriet Johns,
sketches & works-in-progress
Where did this artist's ideas come from? That's a mystery, as it is with all true artists. But this small FolioBook, H J Remembered, shows us how many of her best ideas, signature designs, and strange vibrant colors evolved. Essentially a book of sketches and notes, assembled by several of HJ's best friends after she passed away, this beautiful 40 page book documents the artist's creative process. A joy to look at. One more of the many treasures HJ left us.
To order your copy (only $9 plus postage) which will be printed on-demand, just click on the red MagCloud link to the right of the book cover above.